Is the City History?
I travel the City of London and look at the past for inspiration on the current Covid situation. Is it really unprecedented? How has the City reacted throughout history to other crises?
The Peasants’ Revolt
Revolution in Smithfield market as the Lord Mayor kills an upstart radical. The City reacts to demands for equality that appear more twentieth than fourteenth century.
The Great Fire of London
Two thirds of the City disappears in a matter of day. Meanwhile, Samuel Pepys saves the things he holds most valuable in the world, his wine cellar and a block of cheese.
The South Sea Bubble
Financial speculation goes mad leading to one of the great scientists of his age losing thousands. It’s an example of financial speculation that makes the Wall Street Crash look tame.
The Battle of Cable Street
The fight against Fascism comes to the streets of East London. Thousands riot to stop the Blackshirts marching and prevent racist extremism in London.
The Blitz
A second fire of London envelopes a huge section of the City removing hundreds of years of architecture in one evening. See how the scars of this particularly dark night impacted on the City we know today.
The Bishopsgate bombing
Terrorism comes to the City causing millions of pounds of damage and leads to the security situation we have today. One of the oldest churches in the City is entirely redeveloped.
Throwing the Statue Book
A critical look at the choices society makes as to who to put on a literal pedestal.